Bermudas VS Pants
I have been spending my sat and sun unproductively.Using the computer all the way.suxs man.So...tomorrow is the first day of Os and on tuesday would be the first day of my SPA examinations.btw,I'll be changing my specs soon:) I have been damn zilian too,i guess it is because of Ashley.My face expression is priceless,i guess thats acceptable then.
I want to play the basketball.I want to pespire a lot so i could lose some fats and shed some weight.I want to go shopping so I wouldn't need to think so much on what to wear today,tomorrow and the day after.I want to go swim and sun tan.I want to be fit and thin so i can wear any kind of clothes.I want to go for a hair cut.I want a DSLR.I want a new mobile phone.
Photoshoot soon.Models anyone?
P/S : Bro all the best in your Os,be the top NA student k!:)